Where Smoking All Starts

The tobacco plant

If you were to directly inject nicotine, the drug in the tobacco plant(nicotiana), it would instantly kill you.  The close cousin of the tobacco plant, the nightshade plant(hyoscyamus niger, is a deadly poison.  Not many insects can use the tobacco plant for food, they all have died trying, until they came up with an immune system strong enough to handle the nicotine.  The chemicals that are further placed into cigarettes, cigars, and other forms of chewing and lip tobacco, are also toxic to your body.

You have been poisoned

If you are a smoker, the most powerful thing you can do, is answer this one question:  Why did you start smoking?  If you answer honestly, and remember the days before you were a smoker, you will have a great key to discontinuing this repeatitive cycle.  It is this one reason, that will most likely be insignificant, and if so, you are losing life because of it.  Decide today to quit smoking, and you will be able to take back your life.  That choice to start smoking is never as powerful as continuing to live your life, and to have control.  You do not have to be afraid.  You have nothing to lose.  Become an ex-smoker by understanding you have nicotine addiction to overcome, and a propaganda machine of lies that need to be scientifically challenged.

Come with me on this challenge.  You are worth the effort.

About Cheryl Hanson

A innovator, project manager, writer, web designer, web integrator, and administrator for your next solution. Be sure to leave a comment to find a great way to find your new lifestyle!
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