Quit Smoking Excuse #6

Excuse #6: Smoking Calms me Down

I have a lot of stress and anxiety in my life, smoking calms me down
This is your nicotine brain talking here, and it is betraying you more than you know.  Your smoking is causing a biochemical reaction in your body, that is out of whack with normal levels of base and alklaloid levels-your pH levels.  Every time you light up, inhale that dangerous and icky smoke, you are causing your alkaloid or acid levels in your body to spike!  Imagine you are pouring battery acid on your skin, and you keep doing it, over and over again.  It is burning your cellular structure away, and inside your body!  What can you do?  Stress and anxiety are normal day to day feelings and reactions to much deeper things-mostly fear from what could happen if the course of a stressful event continues to evolve.  Can you, will you, think further about why, you are always stressed?  Can you put your stressors into perspective?

About Cheryl Hanson

A innovator, project manager, writer, web designer, web integrator, and administrator for your next solution. Be sure to leave a comment to find a great way to find your new lifestyle!
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