I have my Quit, now what…

So, what does work?

The truth is, you have to really want to quit.  You have to decide, and decide that you are really ready to quit.

This decision is so powerful.  You are ready to take on the addiction at this evil end, and let the cravings get to you for a little while.  You have decided that the addiction is really not worth your time any more.  You are more powerful than any stupid cigarette.  After all, you are sure you are going to succeed.

Once you have your reason, your strong and gentle strength to beat this addiction, you are halfway there!  It is a really great feeling!  Find your quit, and let everyone know that you are going to quit, and you have decided it is going to happen.  You have the power to make it happen.

Now, once you have the quit ready to go, slow down cowboy.  Take some time and let yourself smoke like mad.  This seems really stupid, but you need to let yourself smoke until you have reached your perfect non-smoking strength.

How?  Well, you need to smoke to keep that cigarette from becoming more precious than anything else in the world.  Cutting back does not work.  Smoke and smoke and smoke some more!

Now, tear down all the idiotic marketing that has you convinced about Cigarettes, Cigars or any nicotine craving you and making you feel one way or another.  All the foolish ideas you have about nicotine are pretty much untrue.  You are really not losing anything, you are gaining everything by not smoking!

Your Quit really is a powerful tool for you.  Do not waste it, and let your negative mindset drop away….

About Cheryl Hanson

A innovator, project manager, writer, web designer, web integrator, and administrator for your next solution. Be sure to leave a comment to find a great way to find your new lifestyle!
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